How to Have Whiter Teeth

Your teeth may ideally be straight, but you could still be displeased with your smile. Tooth discoloration and stains can make you embarrassed to smile or show your teeth. Undoubtedly, whiter teeth will boost your self-confidence and self-esteem and generally give you a more youthful and healthier look. There are various ways to change your dingy, discolored, or dull smile to a whiter one. The options range from home remedies to dentistry-recommended and natural remedies, as well as inexpensive products to costly cosmetic dental treatments, as explained in this blog.

Professional Ways to Make Teeth Whiter

Few people have unlimited money or time to spend on teeth whitening. Keeping this in mind, the following are professional dental techniques for having whiter teeth, ranging from the most costly and invasive to the most convenient and affordable.

Dental Bonding

Tooth bonding is usually not done to achieve whiter teeth, but it may correct some situations. It entails applying composite resin to the tooth surface. Composite resin is the material that dentists use to fill dental cavities. Since the composite resin material matches the natural tooth’s color, it can perfectly cover permanent stains or small problematic imperfections.

Dental Veneers

Like the dental bonding procedure, there are cases where veneers are the more common option than teeth whitening. Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain or composite material that entirely cover a tooth's front surface like fake nails would cover fingernails. If you have permanent stains that cannot respond to the other teeth-whitening options, veneers may be your solution, though they are invasive and expensive.

The price of veneers ranges between $925 and $2500 per tooth or $10,000 and $40,000 for a full set. The placement of veneers also requires the extraction of part of the tooth enamel for a firm grip. However, the results can be more than white teeth as the veneers cover up other shape and size imperfections, leaving you with an attractive, perfect smile.

Dental Crowns

Badly discolored or stained teeth caused by injury will sometimes not benefit from tooth bleaching. In this case, one of the most appropriate ways to achieve a whiter smile and to correct these cosmetic problems may be by using dental crowns. The dentist bonds the dental crown directly into the natural teeth with a strong adhesive. Crowns restore broken teeth to their usual shape, enhance the way teeth look, and help strengthen teeth. They cover the entire tooth surface, becoming its new external surface.

The dental crown’s cost ranges from $800 to $3,000. It is one of the most costly options due to the different materials used to make them. The price varies based on whether or not you have dental insurance.

Professional Teeth Whitening Using Ultraviolet Light

Despite the accessibility of over-the-counter teeth-whitening options, the best outcome is often realized at the dental professional’s office. That is primarily because dentists can utilize higher chemical concentrations to lighten teeth. Products bought over the counter contain between 7 and 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand, bleaching agents used by dentists contain between 25 and 35 percent. Since the dental professional will supervise the procedure, there is a lower possibility of overprocessing, resulting in pain, discomfort, or an abnormally white look.

After the bleaching agent is applied, the dental professional heats it using ultraviolet lighting, speeding up the procedure and enhancing the outcome. Treatment takes approximately one to one and a half hours and might need more than one visit. The average cost is about $500.

Professional Teeth Whitening Using Lasers

Dental professionals can utilize laser technology rather than ultraviolet light to whiten teeth. The procedure and chemicals are similar, but a laser heats the bleaching agent. The primary difference between the two is that with laser whitening, the dental professional must direct the small laser beam over every tooth separately. In contrast, ultraviolet heats the whole dental arch at a go. Results are the same as ultraviolet light but are realized more quickly. However, the treatment is more costly, ranging from $600 to $800.

Professional Dental Cleaning

Based on the dental clinic, professional dental cleaning generally averages approximately $125. This could go lower if you have dental insurance since coverage often includes cleanings and exams twice a year. A thorough cleaning can eliminate superficial stains like the ones that arise due to smoking or drinking coffee. While it is not deemed a treatment for teeth whitening, it can be affordable for some people for slightly brighter teeth. Additionally, teeth cleaning is recommended for proper oral hygiene.

At-Home Options to Make Teeth Whiter

If you consider whitening your teeth at home, you have several options. Knowing your desired treatment period, whitening goals, and budget will assist you in making your choice. Talk to your dental professional about what over-the-counter products or options they would suggest based on your oral health.

Whitening Kits with LED Light

Some kits utilize plastic trays fitted over teeth and LED lighting to enable the whitening agents to work. Previously, only dental professionals administered this kind of kit for patients to carry home and utilize alongside professional office treatments. Nowadays, several brands have come up with over-the-counter kits. Like whitening strips, the results for whitening kits vary depending on the brand, and success is usually based on the appropriate usage.

Whitening Pens and Strips

For approximately 25 to 50 U.S. dollars, you can buy pens or strips online or at the drugstore. Pens that can paint on bleaching agents or plastic strips coated with whitening gel are common at-home ways of whitening teeth. Results vary significantly based on the brand, and if overused or misused, they may make teeth sensitive and irritate gums. You want to see whether any of the brands you wish to purchase are included on the Seal of Acceptance list by the ADA (American Dental Association).

Whitening Toothpaste

You already brush your teeth twice daily to keep them and the gums healthy, right? Well, you can opt for whitening toothpaste for just a bit more money than it would cost you to buy ordinary toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste can extend the advantages of regular toothpaste and your daily brushing routine. This specially designed toothpaste might include carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide to lighten the color of the teeth. Some brands might consist of baking soda to remove stains.

Studies have shown that whitening toothpaste gradually lightens tooth color by two or one shade. With consistent and regular use, you will notice a difference with time. Furthermore, consider utilizing an electric toothbrush. The brush alone will not whiten teeth, though it can work perfectly to remove plaque from the tooth surface.

Achieving Whiter Teeth With Natural Means

Using natural ways and products can also help make your teeth whiter. The following natural techniques can assist in whitening teeth:

Chewing High Fiber Foods

Chewing high-fiber legumes and vegetables can neutralize the acids in the mouth and protect tooth enamel. Leafy greens such as spinach or beans prompt the mouth to generate more saliva, which assists in cleaning the mouth from acid.

Whitening With Fruit

Bromelain and papain, enzymes found in pineapples and papayas, may assist in whitening teeth. A 2020 study found that teeth-whitening gels that contain papain or bromelain have significant clinical chances of whitening teeth.

Nevertheless, more studies are necessary to establish the effectiveness of these enzymes. The ADA does not recommend rubbing teeth directly with fruit pieces since the acid in the fruit can worsen the teeth' color.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, a mild bleach, can assist in whitening stained teeth. For desirable results, you can try to brush using hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mixture for one to two minutes twice daily for seven days. You should only do this occasionally. Hydrogen peroxide might elevate the chances of tooth sensitivity; thus, it is unsuitable to use it long-term or for individuals already with sensitive teeth.

Brushing Using Baking Soda

Baking soda can gently remove tooth surface stains. Some people are usually concerned that it is too harsh and might grind away the tooth enamel, but studies have stated that the product is a safe option to remove stains from the tooth surface. Baking soda can also assist in fighting bacteria, suggesting that it might be capable of reducing plaque and preventing tooth decay.

Trying Oil Pulling

Oil pulling means washing the mouth with oil to eliminate debris, bacteria, and dirt. It is not a substitute for routine flossing and brushing, but some studies suggest that washing the mouth using particular oils might assist in whitening teeth.

Oil pulling is believed to help remove several kinds of mouth bacteria. These bacteria contribute to plaque buildup and make teeth yellowish. Consequently, oil pulling can be essential for you in your tooth-whitening journey.

The ADA deems oil-pulling unconventional dentistry and states that no reliable scientific research shows that the technique whitens teeth, reduces cavities, or enhances oral health. Yet, individuals who have tried this technique find the results satisfying, so there is no loss in trying.

To use this technique, rinse your mouth with one tablespoon of oil for approximately twenty minutes after you brush your teeth, then spit it out. Sesame, sunflower, and coconut oil are suitable for this technique.

Making Dietary Changes

Avoiding foods that discolor teeth can stop further staining. Drinks and foods containing tannins, like tea and wine, can stain teeth. Juices, dark sodas, and coffee can also cause teeth staining.

Highly acidic foods can make teeth appear yellow as they wear down the tooth enamel. If you are concerned about your teeth's color, avoid consuming excessive soda, coffee, and citrus, or always brush your teeth after consuming them.

Generally, dentists recommend waiting at least thirty minutes after eating before brushing your teeth. Acids weaken tooth enamel, so brushing too soon can cause damage.

Quitting tobacco products or smoking can lower the risk of developing nicotine-related stains. Additionally, it prevents gum disease and tooth decay, which can destroy the tooth enamel and trigger other oral health problems.

The Appropriate Answer to Your Problem

Whichever method you choose to make your teeth whiter, you want to speak with your dental professional before selecting a technique to whiten your teeth. The dentist can give you expert insight into what product will likely succeed. Their suggestions will vary depending on every person's unique case. Two factors that play a role in developing a dental treatment plan are the kind of staining and what led to the teeth' discoloration.

Extrinsic stains are caused by factors outside the body, like smoking or particular beverages and foods. If your teeth have discoloration from nicotine staining or drinking red wine or coffee, you can whiten them with various techniques.

Intrinsic stains result from various internal factors, including tooth decay, aging, and heredity. Unfortunately, these kinds of stains are sometimes impossible to eliminate. Antibiotics, particularly tetracycline, and other medications are believed to alter tooth color irreversibly. Even though medicines are an external option, their impacts are intrinsic. Chemicals penetrate deep into the tooth, irreversibly altering its color and makeup.

Hearing a dental professional’s opinion regarding the cause of tooth staining or discoloration is an essential initial step. Understanding that the treatment will more likely be successful (assuming it is possible to lighten the teeth) can prevent wasting money and time on trials and errors with different options.

Find an Experienced Cosmetic Dental Professional Near Me

If you are uncomfortable or unconfident with your smile and wish to enhance it by making your teeth white, our dentists at Dr Joseph Goodman can help. We are professional dentists, serving patients throughout Beverly Hills and conducting various dental procedures, including cosmetic dentistry and consultations.

We will examine your oral and dental health and suggest the safest, most effective teeth-whitening solution that suits your goals and budget. Whether you need a customized teeth-whitening solution conducted at our office or advice on what remedy will work best for you at home or naturally, we will ensure we meet your needs. Call us at 310-860-9311 for a consultation and case evaluation, and begin your journey to a pearl-white smile.



Dr. Joseph M. Goodman, DDS Beverly Hills Center for Cosmetic Dentistry Advanced Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. 2nd Floor at 241 1/2 S. Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212