Tooth Extraction

Permanent teeth last for a long time. However, in rare cases, teeth might need to be pulled from the oral socket. Teeth extraction involves the removal of infected or undesired teeth or roots with as minimal damage as possible to the tissues surrounding them. Whatever the case may be, having a tooth extracted requires a thorough examination of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity by a trained periodontist, oral surgeon, or dentist.

Our staff will do a comprehensive dental examination before determining if an extraction is necessary.

We will also guide you on what to do before and after the operation. Our lead dentist, Dr. Joseph Goodman, is an accomplished Beverly Hills dentist you can trust if you want to undergo a tooth extraction procedure.

An Overview of Tooth Extraction (Exodontia)

Tooth extraction, or exodontia, is an oral procedure carried out by an oral surgeon or dentist. It refers to the process of removing teeth from their socket, which are held in place by the jaws.

Usually, tooth extraction occurs after a dental professional goes through all other dental restoration operations with no success. Many people choose exodontia since it is less costly than other oral restoration procedures like dental fillings or crown placement.

Reasons for Choosing Tooth Extraction

Aside from being less expensive, extraction of teeth is usually the only option when other dental procedures, such as root canals, are not viable. Furthermore, a dental condition caused by bacterial infections could lead to discomfort. This could leave you restless or anxious, necessitating prompt tooth extraction.

People often choose teeth extraction for several reasons, including:

  • Serious Tooth Damage

These occur when teeth are cracked/broken or have extensive decay that cannot be repaired. If you are dealing with fractured teeth or one that has not erupted or developed, you should see your dentist for a removal. Extracting visible teeth requires less effort than extracting teeth that have fractured below the gumline. If your tooth is decayed or has gingivitis, it should be extracted.

  • Orthodontic Treatment

This treatment helps to repair and straighten misaligned jaws and teeth. Some orthodontic treatment options, like braces, require the removal of overcrowded teeth to provide room for better alignment of teeth.

  • Extra Teeth

This condition occurs when there is excess tooth growth than usual. If the extra tooth prevents other teeth from emerging, you need to remove it to make room for the others to grow.

  • Misaligned Teeth

Typically, every tooth on both the lower and upper jaws should be adjacent to one another, so that each one has a bite partner on the opposing jaw. If you have an additional tooth and no opposite tooth to “bite” with, you can extract it for optimal tooth position.

  • Chemotherapy

This is a kind of medication in which patients rely on powerful chemicals to destroy unusual fast-growing body cells, such as cancerous cells. When you receive chemotherapy regularly, your immune system weakens. This can cause you to be more vulnerable to dental infections. If you are suffering from a bacterial infection, tooth extraction can be an ideal option for preventing the spread of bacteria.

  • Organ Transplant

This refers to the transfer of body organs from one individual to another. Immunosuppressive medicines prescribed by specialists after an organ transplant enhance a patient’s risk of developing tooth infections. Tooth extraction can help to reduce the spread of bacterial infection.

Frequently Extracted Teeth

Teeth extraction is a common operation for better oral health, according to most dentists. Some tooth extractions could be necessary at some time to provide room for orthodontic treatment or to avoid more extensive dental issues down the road.

The following are examples of frequently extracted teeth among many individuals:

Permanent Teeth

Canines (fangs) and other permanent teeth need to be extracted before orthodontic therapy starts. The goal of removing permanent teeth is to make room for orthodontic treatment procedures like braces, which are used to fix and align teeth. Permanent tooth extraction is a dental procedure required for those who have malpositioned and misaligned teeth.

Wisdom Teeth

These are among the most common kinds of teeth that call for extraction. Wisdom teeth comprise the final third of molar teeth that erupt during adolescence or early adulthood. Most dentists encourage extracting these teeth to avoid future difficulties, like impacted teeth.

If wisdom teeth are not extracted early, they become impacted and do not have enough space to develop. Other dental problems caused by impacted teeth include difficulties with chewing, gum disease, dental infections, and deterioration of the surrounding teeth.

Teeth Extraction Methods

Your dentist can carefully consider and examine your oral issue before deciding which type of extraction technique to use. A dentist can treat you using one of the following tooth extraction techniques, based on the severity of the injured tooth or the nature of the oral infection.

  • Surgical Extraction

This is required when teeth have not fully emerged or when teeth are broken/damaged beneath the gum line. It involves removing teeth that are difficult to reach or see in the oral cavity. Surgical extraction procedures can only be performed by professionals like oral surgeons and dentists.

Dental professionals use a combination of local and intravenous anesthesia to help patients relax and cope with the post-operative pain and complications of the procedure. Depending on the medication you take, you could also need general anesthesia for the procedure.

Before removing the damaged tooth, your dentist would have to cut it or extract the bone surrounding it. A reliable dental facility comprises experienced and reputable professionals who can assist you with surgical extraction operations and other dental issues.

  • Simple Tooth Extraction

This approach is only practical if your teeth are exposed or easily accessible. As the name implies, this type of extraction is less complex and requires the administration of local anesthesia to relax the region surrounding the damaged or infected teeth.

With local anesthetic, the patient may not even require anti-anxiety drugs or sedatives for relaxation and tranquility. Simple teeth extraction could sometimes be required when a dental professional is fitting braces during orthodontic treatment.

Preparations for Tooth Extraction Operation

Before undergoing a teeth extraction operation, it is always advisable to review your medical and dental records with your dentist and obtain X-rays. Many dentists can recommend antibiotics before the start of the operation.

Antibiotics can be administered before the extraction operation for patients suffering from underlying illnesses, patients undergoing long surgeries, weakened immune systems, the elderly, and children.

When preparing for tooth extraction, it’s important to share your whole prescription medication record with a dentist, including any herbal or over-the-counter (OTC) medications you’re currently using. Some medications, like ginseng and aspirin, slow down blood coagulation.

Most people choose to use anesthesia to feel at ease before any teeth extraction surgery. The most frequently used dental sedation options include:

  • Intranervous sedatives include injecting drugs into a patient’s veins

  • Nitrogen oxide, sometimes known as “laughing gas,” is a light anesthetic gas that has a pleasant smell and can be used in this procedure

  • Oral sedative—This is a drug that a patient has to consume, like Valium pills

The administration of nitrogen oxide as an anesthetic does not affect a patient’s ability to operate a vehicle. However, if you choose another sedation method, you could require someone else to take you home from the dentist’s clinic. You should not drink or eat for at least 6 hours before your tooth extraction operation.

Modern Methods of Exodontia

While surgical cutting equipment such as scalpels and dental drills is still widely used in the extraction of teeth, current technology like dental lasers and electrosurgery is quickly evolving. Electrosurgery makes use of controlled heat to make incisions through the gums, whereas lasers use a high-energy light ray to slice through the gum’s flesh.

Nowadays, tooth extraction is performed using advanced surgical equipment like electrosurgery. When compared to regular tooth extraction tools like scalpels and drills, it is more precise in cutting through the gums.

A competent dentist can provide their patients with a comfortable setting and the greatest dental care possible. This includes the use of advanced, cutting-edge technology to facilitate any dental operation that patients can undertake.

Aftercare and Recovery From Tooth Extraction

The most important exercise following tooth extraction is to induce the formation of blood clots at the treatment site. Following tooth extraction, your dentist can give you a gauze pad or roll that you should gently bite to exert pressure on the area of extraction and help in blood clot formation.

A blood clot shouldn’t be removed once it has formed. Recovery time should take a couple of days, according to how well the tooth removal site is maintained. To help the area where your tooth was extracted recover quickly, you should do the following:

  • After an extraction, you should relax by getting plenty of rest for at least a day

  • You may require a comfortable cushion to support your head as you sleep

  • Avoid smoking

  • To minimize swelling following an extraction surgery, you could consider placing a pack of ice on your cheek

  • Always follow the instructions on the prescription label while taking any medication, even over-the-counter pain relievers

  • Wait 24 hours following the extraction before rinsing your mouth

  • Do not drink using straws

  • Brush your teeth normally, but be cautious when close to the area where the tooth was extracted

  • You will need to eat soft foods like yogurt or pudding after extraction to prevent injuring the area of extraction

  • Steer clear of hot foods and beverages

  • You should rinse your mouth with salt water 24 hours after your tooth extraction

You will recover quickly from exodontia if you follow all the steps outlined above. After an extraction, it is advisable to allow at least a week for healing, unless there is a serious jaw injury. The healing process may take up to six months.

You should consider scheduling a follow-up appointment with your dentist if your discomfort persists or if you notice any signs of infection. Your oral health will improve if the dentist can fit your schedule and do some of your procedures in-house.

Whether you need a routine cleaning or an extraction, a qualified dentist can provide the dental treatment you require.

Eating Habits and Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene After Your Tooth Extraction

After having your teeth extracted, it is strongly advised that you have sufficient rest, and when you sleep, you should support your head using a pillow to prevent bleeding. Eat and drink warm meals and liquids, and avoid chewing in that area of your mouth since it could injure your blood clot.

Do your best to eat healthily; once you feel better, you can go back to your normal diet, with the possible addition of vitamin C supplements.

Although everyone heals at a different rate, you can increase your chances of fast recovery by making sure the socket is clear of debris. It’s important to avoid activities that may increase your blood pressure, such as smoking, as it can slow down the healing process and cause the wound to reopen.

When recovering from a dental extraction, it’s important to avoid touching the site with your tongue, a straw, food, or any other objects. Do not touch the tooth extraction site till it has healed completely, but do remember to floss and brush your teeth as needed each day.

Potential Risks and Complications Following Tooth Extraction

Following tooth extraction, some patients may have certain post-procedural problems. If your dentist advises tooth extraction, it is because the advantages of the procedure outweigh the possibility of adverse effects. You are expected to clean the site of extraction to allow a clot to form naturally.

But if this clot doesn’t form or gets dislodged, the exposed jaw bone within the socket may become quite painful. A dry socket occurs when the bone within the tooth’s socket is exposed after tooth extraction.

If this occurs at the site of your tooth extraction, it is advisable to consult a dentist without delay. Other risks or complications associated with tooth extractions include:

  • A lack of sensation in the chin and lips—This is usually a common tooth extraction side effect after extracting wisdom teeth on the lower jaw. When the sensory nerves in this region are injured during the tooth’s extraction process, the lower chin and lip could become numb

  • Sore Jaw—A sore jaw is a side effect brought on by the strain of having an open mouth throughout the tooth extraction procedure, or occasionally by the anesthesia itself

  • Partial tooth extraction—This usually occurs when the dentist believes that leaving just a portion of a root inside the socket is safer and more appropriate than extracting it

  • Infection—If you fail to use the prescribed medications properly, an infection may develop at the extraction site. Dentists typically prescribe antibiotic medications following extraction to stop infections from occurring

  • Jaw fractures—These are common among older people who have osteoporosis. Osteoporosis symptoms include a decline in bone quality and density and quality

  • Unexpected injury to teeth near the tooth extraction site

  • Teeth alignment issues

  • Sometimes, a patient’s appearance can be impacted by having their front teeth extracted

  • Excessive bleeding

  • Chest pains and shortness of breath

  • Swelling and redness at the tooth’s extraction site

  • Vomiting and nausea

Other General Dentistry Services

Dentistry is an extensive field that deals with the treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of patient’s oral issues. In addition to tooth extraction, dentists offer a wide range of services, such as:

Root Canal

A tooth’s hollow cavity known as a root canal holds nerve tissues, cells (pulp), and blood vessels. The process of disinfecting and extracting the contaminated pulp tissues from a decaying tooth is called a root canal procedure. Before performing this treatment, the dentist will use local anesthesia for relaxation and to make sure you are calm.

The dentist will make a tiny incision in the enamel to reach the pulp chamber and extract diseased or dead tissue after the patient has swallowed or been injected with a local anesthetic. The dentist has to seal the incision and gap left after removing the infected pulp or dead tissues. Before a crown is placed to cover the tooth, antibacterial fillings are placed inside the tooth’s hollow space to stop infections from occurring again.

Pediatric Dentistry

The goal of pediatric dentistry is to treat and maintain the oral health of younger patients. The desire of any parent is for their children to grow up healthy. To promote good dental hygiene and your child’s dental health, you should see a pediatric dentist both before and after your child’s first tooth emerges. The procedures required for children’s oral health care differ from those for adults.

In general, children experience more anxiety than adults do when visiting the dentist due to the unfamiliarity of the experience. Since children aren’t young adults, those in the field of pediatric dentistry need to be sufficiently patient and empathetic to gain children’s trust. Thus, you should confirm a dentist’s competency with children before engaging them.

Cosmetic Dentistry

A dental discipline known as cosmetic dentistry aims to improve the aesthetic look of a patient’s teeth to help them achieve a more pleasant smile.

The course of enhancing your smile through cosmetic dentistry begins with scheduling a consultation with a reputable professional. Research indicates that having healthy teeth not only improves the appearance of a smile but also increases self-confidence in an individual.

If you have stained, chipped, damaged, discolored, or crooked teeth, cosmetic dentistry is the solution you need for a makeover. Cosmetic dentistry includes procedures that improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth, such as veneering, crowning, bonding, implants, and tooth whitening.

Dental Implants

Implants are synthetic tooth replacements designed to resemble actual teeth. The patient’s preferences will determine whether the implants are fixed permanently or temporarily. Dental implants are used to restore a person’s missing teeth and enhance the overall aesthetics of their teeth.

The dentist’s expertise level and the dental implant’s placement in the jaw determine whether or not the procedure will succeed. The following are some advantages of dental implants:

  • They are comfortable since they feel and function like your natural teeth

  • Makes eating easier since dental implants act like natural teeth, making it simpler to chew different foods

  • Having dental implants can improve a person’s confidence

  • Have no negative impact on neighboring teeth, which contributes to better dental health

  • They are strong, and some of them last for a lifetime

  • Dental implants help people speak more clearly without having to worry about how teeth gaps can affect how they pronounce certain words

  • Lastly, dental implants are a great way to improve your smile’s aesthetics since they mimic the look and feel of real teeth


Teeth that are crooked, misaligned, or poorly positioned are difficult to brush and raise the likelihood of periodontal disease, decay, and oral infections. As an alternative to traditional metal braces, Invisalign uses clear plastic straighteners that are easier to clean and more comfortable to wear over your teeth.

Today, many patients would rather use Invisalign than more conventional orthodontic treatment options like braces. Your aligners can be taken out for eating, brushing, and flossing, meaning that you can put them on whenever you want.

When compared with alternative orthodontic treatment techniques, such as wearing uncomfortable braces, Invisalign therapy is typically an ideal choice for the majority of patients. To find a reliable dentist who offers Invisalign, it’s essential to spend time researching suitable specialists in your area who specialize in the dental treatment you require.

Expert dentists can alleviate any worries their potential patients may have by providing more flexible payment plans and complimentary consultations.

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Find a Beverly Hills Tooth Extraction Dentist Near Me

Although the prospect of having a tooth extracted may be frightening, rest assured that all steps of the process are carefully planned and executed to ensure your safety. The best way to find out if you need a tooth pulled is to schedule an appointment with a skilled dentist who can examine your teeth and gums.

Dr. Joseph Goodman and his staff in Beverly Hills have performed many tooth extractions and ensured that patients have optimum oral health. We can also help you too. Call us today.