Your dental professional could suggest oral surgery to address serious dental issues such as severe gingivitis and tooth damage.
Furthermore, surgical procedures such as jaw alignment could enhance your appearance and speech. You should take special care of your dental health as it is critical to your well-being. This means you cannot place your faith in any dentist. As an expert Beverly Hills dentist, Dr. Joseph Goodman will assess your dental issue and guide you through the process to ensure you achieve quality results. Visit our Beverly Hills dental clinic to assess your oral hygiene and get professional oral surgery treatment if necessary.
An Overview of Oral Surgery
Oral surgery is an invasive treatment that is carried out on the gums, teeth, jaws, and other parts of the face. Oral surgery is normally considered the last treatment option for severe oral diseases. This only applies when other treatments have failed. However, it’s not always necessary. When you visit a dentist’s office for an oral issue, they can assess your condition and prescribe the ideal treatment plan.
If all other treatments fail, dental surgery may be recommended by your dentist for various reasons.
Resolve Your Oral Issue
Oral surgery is required for impacted teeth, gum disease, bone loss, temporomandibular joint issues, and oral cancer. Unlike other pain-relieving procedures, oral surgery addresses the underlying cause of this issue. For example, extraction of teeth is a lasting solution to pain caused by severely decayed teeth, as opposed to taking medications or devoting time to alleviate it. After that, you can consider alternative tooth replacement options, such as dental implants.
Achieve Continuous Tooth Replacement
Patients missing several teeth have different options for restoring their tooth’s appearance and function. Choosing a bridge or denture can fix the dental crown, but it doesn’t address the underlying problem at the tooth’s root. As a result, your denture or bridge will not last as long as you expected.
This would call for frequent dental appointments for tooth replacement. However, with dental implants, your dental professional can restore your missing teeth by replacing the tooth’s root, which means the restoration can last longer and have fewer issues.
Prevents More Dental Complications
If you have deteriorating jawbones or other progressive dental problems, you could face several oral complications unless you address these issues. A dentist could perform oral surgery to restore the jaws and prevent additional, more severe dental problems.
Common Dental Surgery Procedures
There are several oral surgical treatments available to treat various dental disorders. At some point, you could be required to go through any of the following treatments:
Placement of Dental Implants
Dental implants help to replace lost teeth while preserving their natural appearance and function. A dental implant is made up of two parts. The dental professional places a piece of metal into the jaw bone to serve as the tooth’s root and places a fake dental crown on the root. Dental implants restore your ability to chew while improving your physical appearance by maintaining facial structure.
Teeth loss can result in the deterioration of jawbone tissue and the movement of the other teeth. Dental implants protect the structural integrity of the jawbone. The most commonly used dental implants are:
- Endosteal dental implant—These include screw-like instruments that a dentist will drill directly into the jawbone
- Implant-supported dentures—These are appropriate for people who have several missing teeth. This implant works similarly to dentures in that several artificial teeth are fitted directly onto a post fixed to the jawbone
- Subperiosteal dental implants—A titanium framework is fitted beneath the gum line when the bones beneath the missing teeth gaps are unable to support the endosteal dental implant
Not all patients are good candidates for dental implants. Therefore, it is essential to consult a general dentist for advice on the best course of action when replacing missing teeth.
Tooth Extraction
Every year, millions of American citizens have their teeth extracted. Tooth extraction refers to an outpatient treatment that removes severely decayed or damaged teeth. Before recommending tooth extraction, your dentist will determine that the decaying tooth can’t be fixed with a root canal, filling, or other therapy.
Tooth extractions are either surgical or simple. When the dental enamel is exposed above the gums, a dentist can carry out a simple tooth extraction and administer local anesthesia or sedation before the surgery.
Surgical extraction is used to remove teeth that have not erupted above the gumline and involves more invasive methods. This technique requires the dentist to cut through the gumline to access the teeth.
Aside from severe decay of the teeth, other reasons why your tooth could require extraction include:
Overcrowded or crooked teeth
—Some crowded or crooked teeth could require to be removed before you receive orthodontic treatments like braces
Baby teeth
—To make space for new teeth, a dentist can remove baby teeth that do not fall out on their own
—Wisdom teeth that have been impacted
Wisdom teeth include molars that don’t come out until you’re at least 17 or 20 years old. The molars often emerge and provide more chewing force. However, there are situations when the teeth fail to erupt properly, resulting in pain and overcrowding. In this situation, you might need to have your teeth removed
The steps taken during teeth extraction are as follows:
- You sit in a reclined seat with a shield covering your eyes
- The dentist can use either general or local anesthesia based on the kind of extraction
- If the teeth are not visible, your dentist can make a small cut on the gum line
- Your dentist can then loosen and pull the damaged tooth out
- Cleaning the teeth and placing gauze to prevent bleeding
Jaw Correction Surgery
This dental procedure involves moving the jaws to achieve an even facial profile and a natural bite. If you have an uneven bite, a corrective jaw operation may be recommended by a dental professional. Repositioning the jawbones allows your teeth to align properly, improving your ability to speak and appearance. Improving jaw alignment helps with sleep apnea and gum health. Because of the substantial effect that this process could have on your dental wellness, experts will collaborate to handle your oral issue.
When a tooth’s root becomes hooked at its base, root canal procedures can fail. In this case, your dentist could recommend an apicoectomy. Root canal therapy is a procedure that treats severe decay of the teeth and infections. The treatment preserves the teeth by removing the pulp that is infected and sealing it to prevent more complications.
When a tooth’s root becomes attached at the base, dental tools are unable to reach the root’s tip to extract nerve material, causing infections. The tip of the root is removed by a dentist and replaced with an inert material during dental surgery.
Sleep Apnea
This is a condition whereby the airways close during sleep. It makes it difficult for you to sleep well. Obstructive sleep apnea can be treated using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine or by wearing mouthpieces before sleeping. If these measures fail to improve your condition, surgery could be your only option.
Several surgeries can be used to address sleep apnea. These include:
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, or UPPP—It is the most commonly used oral surgery to treat obstructive sleep apnea. This procedure involves the removal of a portion of your oral tissues and palate dangling behind the tongue
- Palate surgery—A dentist can restructure the soft tissues on the roof of the oral cavity and around the throat
- Nasal surgery—This operation removes curved bones and growths that obstruct the nasal passageway
Bone Grafting
Oral bone grafts are procedures used to replace missing bones before placing dental implants. The dental bone graft restores density and volume to jawbone areas that have lost bone. Bone grafts are made from either body tissues or tissues obtained from human tissue banks. A bone graft could be necessary if you are:
- Having a tooth extracted
- Planning to replace missing teeth with dental implants
- Required to replace the jaws before the placement of dentures
- Experiencing bone loss due to periodontal disease
There are four major kinds of bone grafts for dental implants:
- Sinus Lift—A person’s maxillary sinuses lie above the upper teeth. When back teeth are lost, the sinuses may collapse and press on the area where the missing teeth’s roots once stood. In this scenario, dental implants may penetrate through the sinuses. The dentist uses a sinus lift procedure to address this problem. Once the sinuses have been returned to their original position, the dentist will perform a dental bone transplant to lay the necessary foundation to support the dental implants
- Ridge Augmentation—If you’ve been without teeth for a long time, the jawbone will likely be thinner than it was previously. To provide a firm foundation for dental implants along with other dental restorations, dentists utilize ridge augmentation to widen and enlarge the ridge
- Socket Preservation—This is a bone graft that is inserted in the empty socket after a tooth is pulled out. The graft keeps the dental sockets from collapsing by filling in the gap caused by the missing tooth.
- Periodontal Bone Graft—Gum infections can weaken the bones that support the teeth. Periodontal bone grafts are placed on top of existing teeth by the dentist to make them more stable and less likely to move about.
Bone grafts have a very high success rate. Unfortunately, patients with previous medical conditions that affect their immunity or have a history of smoking may not respond well. Common indicators of a failed bone graft are as follows:
- Pain and swelling that becomes worse over time
- Gum recession
- Pus coming from the site of the bone graft
- The volume of the jawbone shows no signs of improvement
Periodontal Surgery
One major oral issue that can lead to loss of teeth and potentially bacterial contamination is periodontitis. Periodontal disease can be treated in several ways. However, your dentist might recommend periodontal surgery if the illness has advanced. The benefits of this surgical procedure include:
- Getting rid of any bacteria under the gums
- Resculpting the bones that hold your teeth in place
- Make the process of brushing your teeth easier
- Shield you from dental problems in the future
You can benefit from periodontal surgery if you have one or more of the following signs of gum disease:
- Bleeding or swollen gums
- Bad breath
- Loose teeth
- Receding gums
- Pain while chewing
- Gum pockets
Your dentist has many choices to consider regarding the problem you are experiencing, such as:
- Flap Surgery—The purpose of flap surgery is to access areas under your gums and remove plaque and bacteria by lifting the gum tissue. Your teeth will be easier to clean once they have healed
- Tissue Regeneration—With this surgical procedure, the bone and the gums are separated by a tiny bit of substance, allowing the bones to grow again
- Soft Tissue Graft Surgery—If gum disease causes your gums to recede, a graft could be able to replace part of the missing tissue. Your dentist will extract tiny bits of tissue from the roof of your mouth and use them to cover up parts where tissue has been lost
Complications Associated with Oral Surgery
There are many ways in which your oral health can benefit from oral surgery. There is always a risk of complications following surgery, particularly for those with certain medical conditions. As a result, you need to hire an experienced oral surgeon. Here are a few common issues that can arise from oral surgery:
Although infections following oral surgery are uncommon, they do occur. An infection is more likely to occur in people with diabetes and other immune system problems.
Following oral surgery, be on the lookout for symptoms of infection, such as unusual redness or swelling, fever, discharge, and a persistent foul taste in your mouth. A post-operative infection can delay healing and worsen oral health.
Your dentist will take precautions to lessen the likelihood of infection by cleaning the mouth and sterilizing all surgical tools before making the initial incision. Nevertheless, you should visit a dentist immediately if you see one or more of these signs. Your dentist will likely prescribe medications to eradicate the infection.
A neighboring tissue or tooth can sustain an injury, even though your dentist will take great precautions to protect any present dental work or adjacent structures.
Sinus Complications
The area in front of the forehead that is close to your mouth and nose is called the sinus cavity. Bacteria are kept out of the nose by drainage from your sinus cavities. If you have surgery on the upper teeth, the roots could end up penetrating your sinuses.
Being an invasive operation, oral surgery has the potential to cause nerve irritation at the location of the procedure. Irritation of the nerves causes a decrease or complete absence of feeling in the region that the nerves supply. After oral surgery, numbness usually goes away in a day or two, but it can last longer in some cases.
Root Fragments
The risk of root fracture during invasive dental procedures is higher since tooth roots are both lengthy and delicate. A broken piece of the root needs to be extracted. However, the dentist could choose to keep that piece of tooth to protect the neighboring teeth if it lies close to the nerves.
Jaw Fractures
If your jawbone is fragile or your wisdom tooth gets stuck underneath the gum line, extraction of the affected teeth may weaken the jaw. A weaker jaw may put more teeth in danger of breaking and being damaged.
Dry Socket
A clot forms at the tooth removal site to shield the surrounding bone and nerves from injury. Premature dislodgment of the clot exposes the bones and sensory nerves, resulting in severe discomfort and potential infection. When lower jaw wisdom teeth are extracted, there is an increased chance of developing a dry socket.
The main indication of a dry socket is excruciating sensitivity and pain at the location of the extracted tooth. The presence of an offensive odor emanating from your mouth after the removal of a tooth could indicate an infection. To avoid dry sockets, it’s important to stop smoking and practice good dental hygiene.
Post Oral Surgery Care
The success or failure of your dental surgery operation is directly related to how well you take care of your teeth after the procedure. The following methods can help you reduce pain and expedite the recovery process whether you underwent an intrusive oral procedure, got an implant, or got your wisdom teeth extracted:
Rest After Your Procedure
Make plans to rest for the remainder of the day following the oral surgery procedure. If your dentist administers a sedative, you might experience post-operative drowsiness.
Stay away from anything that calls for a lot of effort. You will probably feel some discomfort at the surgical site after the numbing agent wears off. You should lie down and let your body recover and heal itself.
Adhere To Your Dentist’s Instructions
If your mouth feels too sensitive for regular oral hygiene practices like brushing, your dentist might advise you to rinse it out with salty water. There are instances when you will have to wait for the anesthesia to fade before eating. By carefully following these steps, you can avoid any potential complications with the procedure.
Apply Ice
You might have swelling on your face and bruises, based on the type of operation you had. To reduce swelling, place ice packs on the affected side of your face for at least fifteen minutes throughout the initial 24 hours following surgery.
You should see your dentist when you have a high temperature and your swelling doesn’t go down in a couple of days.
Protect Your Clot
After oral surgery, blood clots will form to stop infection and hasten the healing process. As such, you should refrain from drinking carbonated beverages or using straws.
Pay Attention To Your Diet
You have to avoid eating substances that could hurt your mouth while it recovers from the procedure. Eat less spicy or hot food as well because these can aggravate the surgical area and delay healing.
Use Painkillers
Even though oral surgery might not hurt, after the anesthesia fades, you might experience pain at the surgical spot. Your dentist is going to prescribe any pain medications you might need during the first 48 hours following the surgery before you go home.
Be Wary Of Potential Problems
You need to watch out for any indications of infections or other post-operative complications following oral surgery. You need to get help right away when the swelling fails to go down, you’re bleeding a lot, or you’re experiencing breathing troubles.
Avoid Smoking
Tobacco use lowers immune system function and delays wound healing. Tobacco smoke also has the potential to spread infection in the surgical area.
The state of your teeth and gums affects your general health in major ways. Maintaining optimal oral health entails keeping your mouth’s supporting framework as functional as possible, in addition to having your teeth cleaned and in good condition. The term “oral surgery” refers to a broad category of invasive dental surgeries that address abnormalities on the neck, face, or jaws as well as dental issues and injuries.

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Find a Skilled Beverly Hills Dentist Near Me
All types of oral surgery are helpful, from simple procedures like teeth removal and surgical removal of affected wisdom teeth to more complicated procedures like placing implants, bone grafting, and reconstructive oral surgery. Oral surgery has the potential to drastically alter the condition of your mouth. Therefore, you need a skilled general dentist, regardless of whether you require dental surgery for medical or cosmetic reasons.
Dr. Joseph Goodman Clinic is one of the most trusted dental clinics in Beverly Hills. We provide professional guidance and treatment to patients who are thinking about oral surgery for many different dental issues. Call to schedule an appointment with us today.