Bite corrections

Bite corrections, overbite, underbite and TMJ

One aspect of modern dentistry is to correct bite abnormalities such as overbite (deep bite) or underbite in a non-surgical manner. Restorative dentistry can oftentimes help without surgery to change your biting pattern called “occlusion”.

Bite Corrections Smile Gallery


Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

Before Bite Correction

Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA


Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA



Your bite is not fixed and can be changed. Your upper jaw can be brought inwards when it is too far out (overjet). With tools available in modern dentistry, your upper jaw can be reclined back to a more favorable position without surgery. We had many patients who were told to do surgery until we gave them an alternative.

Your lower jaw can be moved forward as well and the bite can be fixated in a new occlusion with modified porcelain veneers that change the bite. An edge-to-edge bite can also be fixed by bringing the upper teeth further out or by inclining your lower teeth back, or both.

One case we did for a patient from out of state describes it best:

Besides having had small teeth for her entire life, every dentist wanted to simply do traditional veneers and shave her teeth. Besides that, her bite and jaw were in pain, her muscles were inflamed, her spine and back were also in discomfort. Her spine had pain in region C2 and C3 and she had multiple appliances, nightguards, splints, orthodontic devices for many, many years to no avail.

When she came in, she was in pain for years and about to give up.

First, we established her bite in a comfortable position. We then recorded her bite in the new position and made her a mock up, a temporary bite that she can go home with and evaluate her new position. Once she reported drastic improvements, we went along and gave her NO PREPARATION VENEERS, because her teeth were small to begin with. No reason to shave, no reason to grind down healthy teeth. These veneers were unique as they change and hold the new bite in a new occlusal position, thus making the patient find their new bite easily.

The patient left in joy with her new look (veneers), bite and hasn’t any orthodontic devices since her procedure.  For patients with TMJ, our chiropractor is an expert in TMJ related pain.



Cosmetic Dentist in Beverly Hills, Dr. Joseph Goodman, was one of the first dentists in Germany using porcelain veneers in the early ’90s when veneers were not as commonly used due to limitations in adhesion and materials available at the time. Colleagues back then often dismissed Dr. Goodman’s efforts in achieving dental excellence in porcelain veneers as “unrealistic”, “short term”, and “unpredictable”, not knowing or understanding the full potential of veneers in cosmetic dentistry.

A completely satisfying smile makeover requires a dentist with years of hands-on experience and know-how of dental materials and adhesion materials.

As such, the dentist must be trained extensively in the field of Gnathology, full mouth occlusion (bite) analysis, centric relation, and temporal mandibular joint (TMJ). Due to his background in prosthodontics (complex reconstructive, restorative, and implant dentistry), Dr. Goodman is able to perform complicated and difficult cases of partial and full mouth reconstruction, placements of the most beautiful “natural” or “Hollywood” type porcelain veneers.

Note that every case is different, depending on your taste and your desire. Find the smile that speaks to you the most and it will be yours.

You will like the way you will look; we guarantee it.

Overbite and underbite correction without surgery.

This is truly remarkable and world-class dentistry.

  • A dental face smile makeover without surgery
  • Overbite correction without surgery
  • Underbite correction without surgery
  • A small or reclined chin correction with no surgery
  • A narrow arch expansion without surgery.
  • A face smile makeover in dentistry also called face smile makeover dentistry or Face enhancement dentistry.

We have a unique approach also called face smile makeover dentistry or non-surgical jaw movement or non-surgical chin lift.

An underbite or overbite is a dental condition that usually requires dental or oral surgery. The problem with surgery is it painful, very expensive, and requires many years of braces afterwards. Sometimes 5 years! That is because when you move the jaw forwards, for example like in the photos shown, the bite does not fit (occlusion) anymore. When the jaw is moved and it looks so much better, you have more chin and a better profile, but your teeth don’t bite correctly because the top and bottom teeth don’t match anymore, braces are then required to make the top and bottom teeth match correctly.

After a short period of testing time, to make sure your bite and jaw is comfortable in the new position with a jaw appliance or jaw verification jig, we can in most cases without shaving your teeth, move the jaw into the right location and secure the bite with unique veneers that will change and stabilize your bite correctly. Stabilizing your bite is key, as we have moved the jaw in this case (see photo) into the ideal position and now the bite must have a perfect occlusion. No braces or Invisalign required.

No jaw surgery
No healing time.
The new bite will be secured with an ideal occlusion. See these remarkable photos and video testimonials.

Give us a call if you or anyone you know needs this kind of service.
No surgery and just a few weeks of waiting time.


Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

Before: Lower teeth and the entire jaw were severe reclined and pushed back. Patient has a severe overjet.

Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

After bite correction. The anterior teeth bite (overjet) has improved dramatically. Lower jaw is repositioned and the bite is secured with a jaw device (temporary).


Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

Before: Chin is severely reclined and push back. His profile looks less favorable.

Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

After: Profile and chin have improved dramatically.

Before: Chin is pushed back and looks small.

Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

Same patient close up: Lower jaw are pushed back 7 to 8 mm. Jaw surgery was avoided and lower jaw moved into the ideal position with no surgery.

After: After placing special no preparation veneers, the bite and jaw and occlusion has been improved dramatically. Patient choose lower veneers to be whiter intentionally, so she can have future whiter veneer for the top teeth.


Before: Retruded and small chin.

Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

After: Better Jaw and teeth position.


Open bite correction:

An open bite is a big challenge for patients. An open bite leads to be a mouth breather which causes often dry mouth and cavities and or bad breath from breathing with an open mouth rather than through your nose.

See what out bite correction protocol did for this patient with no preparation veneers that change the bite and chewing surface, called Vivaneers™

Dr.Goodman Bite Correction | Top Beverly Hills Dentist in LA

After: No more open bite, no surgery jaw movement, no breaking the jaw and no braces.




Dr. Joseph M. Goodman, DDS Beverly Hills Center for Cosmetic Dentistry Advanced Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. 2nd Floor at 241 1/2 S. Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212