Cosmetic Dental Procedures Covered By Insurance

Compared to regular dental procedures, cosmetic dental procedures are more costly. You could spend up to or above $1000 on a cosmetic dental procedure, depending on the type of procedure and the desired results. A common question patients ask is: does insurance cover cosmetic dental procedures? Insurance covers cosmetic dental procedures like veneers, bonding, root canals, fillings, crowns, and dental implants. Before you undergo a cosmetic dental procedure, consult your insurer to determine if the procedure will be covered.

Understanding Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Cosmetic dentistry deals with modifying teeth to improve a patient’s smile. Procedures focus on improving teeth' appearance instead of treating a medical condition. They also treat particular dental conditions that could hinder your teeth' normal function or appearance.

The following are some main cosmetic procedures:

  • Dental crowns
  • Invisalign
  • Bracing
  • Straightening
  • Reshaping
  • Dental implant
  • Bridging
  • Bite reclamation
  • Composite bonding
  • Inlays and onlays
  • Veneers
  • Teeth whitening

Cosmetic Dental Treatments Covered By Insurer

Dental insurance does not cover all cosmetic procedures. Most dental policies only allow coverage for conditions that are medically related. In this case, you cannot demand coverage for a case that is objected to or purely for improving your smile.

Your insurance, however, can still cover non-eligible procedures if necessary for medical reasons. For example, your insurance could cover some expenses if you require a non-eligible procedure because of an accident or during treatment. The main cosmetic procedures that insurance can cover include:

Regular Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups can also be cosmetic because they involve teeth cleaning. Tooth cleaning, however, is a preventive care procedure because it reduces the likelihood of tooth decay. You should go for dental check-ups at least twice every year. You should go for check-ups within shorter timelines if you have undergone specific dental treatments. You could incur between $200 to $300 for dental check-ups, covering various activities like examination, cleaning, and X-rays.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are custom-made ceramic shells that adhere to the teeth' surface. If cared for, they can last a long time. The application process is the same as that of nail polish. When the ceramic material is applied, it will look like your natural teeth. Current advancements can make veneers appear precisely like the translucent nature of your natural tooth.

Dental veneers, in most situations, are for cosmetic reasons. They can also serve well in preventive care because they assist in preventing chips and cracks that can cause tooth decay. Unfortunately, not everyone is best suited for this procedure, even if it could be cost-effective for most people. Individuals precluded  include patients with the following:

  • Excessive cavities and poor oral hygiene
  • Severe tooth crowding
  • A labial nature of the teeth
  • Suffering from gum disease
  • Substantial tooth damage
  • A habit of grinding or clenching their teeth

Dental veneers differ in price and can be charged based on the type. A no-prep veneer costs $800 to $2000 and can last five to seven years. Traditional veneers cost $900 to $2,500 per tooth and can last 10 to 15 years. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover veneers. Most insurance providers can offer financial coverage if the procedure is for preventive reasons.

Teeth Bonding

Teeth bonding is a cosmetic procedure that involves putting on teeth resin composite or colored plastic porcelain veneer to enhance an individual's dental feel or look. Your dentist could put a bit of the composite where it is required to fuse with the tooth. He/she can use a special bonding agent to ensure the bond goes where needed.

Teeth bonding is widely preferred for cosmetic purposes, but it is best used to prevent tooth cracking, which can cause infection. Most bonding takes three to ten years before you need a retouch or replace it. However, the lifetime of teeth bonding depends on your oral habits and the amount of bonding used.

You will be charged for teeth bonding based on where you live. This procedure costs $100 to $400 per tooth. You should consult your insurance company to ascertain if they can cover your expenses wholly or partially.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are teeth-like caps placed on problematic teeth to restore their shape and size. They cover affected teeth and hold them in place. Dental crowns do the following:

  • Cover an implant
  • Correct a cracked tooth syndrome
  • Cushions the teeth against further wear
  • Cover a tooth after a large filling has been placed
  • Protect the tooth after a root canal

There are several types of dental crowns that you can choose from. Your dentist will recommend the type of dental crowns to choose. The materials used to make dental crowns include base metal, gold, porcelain with metal, and ceramic.

You could be charged for dental crowns based on the material you choose. Typical dental crowns cost as follows:

  • You could incur $300 to $400 for one resin crown
  • It can cost $800 to $900 for a porcelain-fused crown
  • You could incur $700 to $800 for one base metal crown

Your insurance company could cover your costs, depending on their policies. However, you should consult your insurance company and dentist before this procedure.

Root Canal

A root canal is the space between the pulp and tooth root. This dental procedure relieves root canal pain and removes infected material. Pain arises from a decayed tooth or infection of your tooth pulp, which constitutes the nerves and blood vessels.

Generally, a root canal occurs because of the extensive decay that affects the outer tooth layer, causing pain. It could also happen because of tooth damage like chips and cracks, which results in tooth decay or root canal discomfort. Root canals could also occur because of various issues that can infect the pulp. Some signs could indicate that you require a root canal, including:

  • Swelling in the gum
  • Darkening of the tooth
  • Sensitivity to cold or hot drinks
  • Severe tooth pain when you apply pressure to a specific part of the mouth or while eating

The cost of a root canal procedure will depend on the challenge of extracting the affected root vessels or nerves. You could incur roughly $200 for one residual tooth removal. Different dental clinics have different pricing policies. Therefore, the price of a root canal treatment will also vary from one dental clinic to the other.

Dental Fillings

A filling is a malleable material used to fill a tooth cavity. The purpose of this procedure is to delay the progression of tooth decay and restore your tooth’s function. A hole could form on the tooth because of trauma or a cavity. Your dentist can recommend this procedure to prevent the decay from getting worse. If the decay is left untreated, it will promote bacteria growth, which could spread to the interior of the teeth. If the cavity reaches the tooth's interior, you will require a more intricate dental treatment, like a root canal.

How can you know whether you require dental fillings? A standard indicator that you need a tooth filling is if you start experiencing sensitivity to heat, cold foods, or drinks. You could be required to undergo this procedure if you begin to feel pain when biting. Your dentist could also recommend dental filling if the tooth is rough, chipped, or fractured.

The dentist will evaluate your tooth once you go for a cavity filling. If necessary, the dentist will take an X-ray to determine the cause of the problem. The dentist will numb your teeth before the filling starts. He/she will then begin drilling out the decayed portion of the tooth. This process could last several minutes. After treatment, the tooth can stay numb for several hours. You should avoid chewing until the numbness wears off to ensure you do not bite your tongue. Dental filling procedures are relatively safe and do not pose significant risks. However, in case of any complications, you should contact your dentist for advice. The common types of dental fillings you can choose include:

  • Glass ionomer
  • Ceramic
  • Metals
  • Composite fillings
  • Amalgam fillings

Dental Implants

The permanent way of replacing decayed or missing teeth is by using dental implants. In this case, your dentist places an artificial tooth on top of a bone-like material infused into the jaw. You do not have to worry about removing your false teeth to eat or clean them once the dental implant is installed. This is why dental implants are a permanent option preferred by people with missing teeth. You could consider the following types of dental implants if you are a candidate for this procedure:

  • Subperiosteal implants
  • Endosteal implants

Most insurance companies cover dental implants. However, to be sure, you should contact your dental insurance provider before the procedure to determine if you will be covered.

How Dental Insurance Works

For your dental insurance policy to cover a dental treatment procedure, you must ensure that you operate within the policy limits. In case of exceptions, you should first speak to the insurer to seek approval. Here are the steps followed when seeking payment from dental insurers:

Submitting A Claim

Your dentist will submit your claim to the insurance company once you provide your insurance information. He/she could submit it electronically or physically via mail. The dentist could include documents like X-rays and applicable medical costs in the submission.

Before submitting the claim, your dentist could also estimate the out-of-pocket payments. You might have to pay some costs to have the insurer meet the remaining expenses. This will depend on the insurance company’s policies.

Waiting For Payment

Your dental insurer will examine your claim to determine if your treatment falls within the applicable insurance plan. Your dentist will receive appropriate payment provided the services you received fall within the policy.

Your dentist can call you to make an out-of-pocket payment if your policy fails to cover some services you have received. Your insurance company could also inform you about any accumulated costs that do not fall within your policy.

Cosmetic Procedures That The Insurance Does Not Cover

Several cosmetic dental procedures are excluded from health insurance. They include:

Teeth Reshaping

This is a cosmetic dental treatment that focuses on changing the appearance of overlapping teeth, crooked teeth, and cracked teeth. In some situations, teeth reshaping could be used instead of braces. This procedure is best suited for incisors because they are visible when you smile. Dentists typically use drills or lasers during tooth reshaping. Your dentist will evaluate your teeth with an X-ray to determine if there are sufficient bones. He/she will also check the location and size of the affected pulp. The dentist could start smoothing or polishing your teeth after completing the assessment. This procedure could last 30 minutes, depending on the level of damage. You could incur $50 to $300 for teeth reshaping, depending on your required services. Your insurance can only cover this cost if you suffer cracked teeth through trauma or accident.


Braces are metallic restraints placed on the teeth to enhance the appearance of an individual by straightening the teeth. Braces could also be used to enhance an individual’s biting. Childhood is the best stage to have braces. Adults can still put on braces, provided they have healthy teeth.

Some reasons why your dentist can recommend  braces include the following:

  • If you have overjet
  • The appearance of your smile
  • If you have an underbite
  • If you have an overbite
  • Too much or inadequate space between your teeth
  • Having overcrowded or crooked teeth

Find A Reputable Cosmetic Dentist Near Me

Making payments for cosmetic procedures using your insurance could be challenging. However, the process could be straightforward if you go to a dental clinic since the dentist can contact the insurer on your behalf. You should not give up even if your insurer does not cover a particular dental procedure. Most dentists offer patients flexible and affordable repayment plans that spread the dental payments over time. If you require reliable and inexpensive cosmetic dental procedures in Beverly Hills, contact Dr Joseph Goodman. We will examine you and recommend the most suitable cosmetic dental procedure. We have experienced dentists who can handle all types of cosmetic dental procedures. Contact us at 310-860-9311 to speak to one of our dentists. 



Dr. Joseph M. Goodman, DDS Beverly Hills Center for Cosmetic Dentistry Advanced Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. 2nd Floor at 241 1/2 S. Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212